Yoga for Vocalists

Yoga for vocalists, singers and performers, with emphasis on the breath.

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Short Meditations


I hope you’re all still well, and that even with restrictions easing in some places that you maintain good practices to stay safe.

I have been running short meditation sessions for my colleagues at my “day job” (as a business analyst) and after several failed attempts to turn on the recording or muting others, I’ve managed to record some sessions.

Not really super great quality but I thought I’d share them anyway.  Please only use these for yourself; please don’t post elsewhere, copy and distribute or use for any other purpose.

Here are a couple, around 15 minutes each:

Audio only from Tuesday 12 May  Password: 3N@QJ4=Z

Audio only from Thursday 14 May Password: 2F!@Du@i

I’ll add more as I get reasonable recordings!