Yoga for Vocalists

Yoga for vocalists, singers and performers, with emphasis on the breath.

Our changed world

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Hello everyone. More than a year has passed now with the sudden impact of the pandemic, and its implications both socially, economically and mentally on the populations around the world.

On a personal level? Sure, I quite enjoyed working from home and my cats are so used to my presence that they’ll probably suffer withdrawals when this is over. But that is being selfish and I do feel very much for those who are affected directly by COVID and fighting for their lives, as well as those doing the hard yards caring for others, bearing lockdowns, trying to keep their businesses alive.

I read an article about how people are losing their ability to talk to our neighbours – that we don’t know them very well, and we are more likely to complain to authorities than to simply walk next door (when allowed, of course) and speak to our neighbours to resolve any issues.

The same applies for everyone, I think, who are perhaps without even realising, feeling the effects of the pandemic and lockdowns. Trying to do everything online via online meetings and emails, whilst having the advantages of being able to continue with things, do have their disadvantages.

I recently fell apart after a couple of emails from people who were unhappy with their perception of how I dealt with things. Surprised at how much it affected me, and surprised even more that I was being seen in those negative lights. Of course, I don’t mean to attack or press negative feelings on anyone. But it seems that my language in my communications were taken in a way that was not meant, and I probably reacted in the same way to their responses.

We need to be kind to ourselves, and to each other. To use a cliché perhaps, but we are all in this together. States, countries, organisations, individuals – we all have different ways, policies and rules to manage and cope with the current situation. Some rebel completely. Dare I say, there’s probably a lot of misunderstanding, miscommunication, misinformation that is contributing towards negativity. Always the case, but especially now. So we need to be very careful with our words, what we say, and take that very important breath before having trigger reactions to anything. That is definitely a lesson I need to learn.

We have also had sad news of those passing away because of COVID, and of people taking their lives because they felt hopeless. Mental issues is a growing problem in our societies even without the added pressure of the pandemic, and the loss of jobs, suffering of careers, and particularly here in the context of the arts, makes it very difficult.

My recent mini-breakdown made me realise that even though we try to look out for each other and offer help, sometimes when you’re really down nothing seems to help, and it feels like no-one’s efforts are doing any good. All I can say is: I THINK I understand. But hang in there. There is nothing to fight for without your life, without taking that step forwards even if it’s very small steps to get out of the rut.

I am truly grateful to those who have taken time to listen to me – you know who you are; THANK YOU. And living on my own, I am so happy to have my cats to provide that bit of “life-contact” and the routine I need (they need to be fed, and their litters cleaned!), not to mention the cuddles and warmth they give me.

And if I have offended anyone or upset anyone, inadvertently, I APOLOGISE.

It’s also difficult when others reach out and you just don’t have the capacity yourself to assist. That does happen. And you fear that you’re letting someone down. More stress all round.

Be patient. Be careful. Be considerate. Please, please, take all the precautions you can, and do what you can to keep your spirits up.

And do keep active, too. Here in Melbourne it’s cold and often wet and miserable, but you can still go for walks – even just around the block for fresh air – do a bit of yoga or exercise following online sessions, vacuum / clean the house! It all helps. I am guilty of falling asleep on the couch and not eating well. I make a promise here to change that, so join me.

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