Yoga for Vocalists

Yoga for vocalists, singers and performers, with emphasis on the breath.


Yoga for vocalists, singers and performers, with emphasis on the breath, by Miki Oikawa.

Currently not holding regular sessions, but available to arrange visits to opera / singing companies and schools.

Gain the physiological and psychological benefits of yoga, in a style tailored to meet the specific requirements of singers. Emphasis on the breath and a focus on anatomical and spatial awareness to assist singers with their performance techniques. And fun! This is about you and where you personally are at; not a competition and definitely not a tortuous workout. A Yoga practice should be enjoyable, comfortable and steady. All levels catered for; beginners welcome.

Physiological Benefits of Yoga

• Stimulates and conditions all systems of the body including respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, muscular, pulmonary and digestive systems
• Musculoskeletal flexibility and joint range of motion increase
• Eye-hand coordination and dexterity
• Improved posture and stance
• Strength, resiliency, endurance and immunity; decrease pain
• Increased energy level; weight control
• Improved sleep and ability to relax
• Depth and spatial perception improvement and balance
• Improved breath control

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

• Self-acceptance and confidence; social adjustment
• Decreases anxiety and depression
• Improves concentration, attention and memory
• Mood improvement and subjective well-being
• Presence

About me:

MikiHi my name is Miki.

I was formerly a classical ballet and contemporary dancer for many years before moving on to acting, performing with various theatre companies as well as appearing in film and TV. I’ve also been active in theatre production work and directing. During my life as a performer I was introduced to yoga, and since then became a qualified yoga teacher, balancing this with a corporate career. Having a great love for opera and the art of singing in general, I decided to bring together my passions and develop a style of yoga that combines my background in dance with yoga, as well as focusing on what is beneficial for singers and performers.

I have a “day job” in the corporate sector but try to balance this with the soul-nourishing practice of yoga. I live with my two gorgeous cats (my babies!) and try not to drink too much hot chocolate or spend too much money on online shopping!

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